Thursday 22 November 2018

The December Buffer

New year is around 40 days away, and I don't want to wait for the bells to ring in order to start a blog as part of my new year resolution. I have started blog twice before and did not keep up to the practice of updating regularly.
What will be different this time, I ask myself ... I am definitely older, and hopefully wiser. This is just going to be a really free flowing online diary. No more holding back, feeling scared to show my vulnerabilities etc. And this will surely be regularly updated.
Every article that I read about blogging says that you need to stick to a particular topic in order to make the blog popular. Maybe I will try that some other time. But for now, my blog will just be a reflection of me : crazy, moody, sometimes wise, most times unsure, but awesome anyways :-)
I don't think anyone is going to find my blog or follow it. But this is for my own near and dears and more importantly, for myself.

Starting this blog today will give me the December Buffer to try and be regular about updating my blog and announce it in style to my friends and family in January.

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